Diversity and Inclusion Statement

It is our belief that a diverse community is important to ensure representation in the development of technology that matters to a global society.  We value inclusive diversity in all forms, including but not limited to: age, race, ethnicity, culture, religious beliefs, language, socioeconomic status, citizenship, national origin, physical appearance, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, and physical abilities.  We also acknowledge the historical barriers for limiting the access and participation of some groups. 

We are committed to make ISMAR 2020 a place where everyone feels welcome and safe to engage in thoughtful discussions. We expect all interactions between conference participants to be constructive and respectful, including any of the online media platforms used by the event. 

We will not tolerate any kind of behavior that would be upsetting, disturbing, or threatening in a normal social setting. It includes behavior that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person, or interferes with a person’s opportunity to engage with the conference. Participants violating these rules may be removed at the discretion of the Conference Chairs. Anyone witnessing or subject to unacceptable behavior should notify the General Chairs (general_chairs@ismar20.org) or the Diversity and Accessibility Chairs (diversity_chairs@ismar20.org).

Diversity and Accessibility Chairs*

* This statement was adapted from the Diversity and Inclusion Statements from ACM DIS 2020 and for ACM SIGCHI 2017.

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